Friday, May 22, 2020

Inclusion Of The Lgbt Community - 1933 Words

The year is 2016 and society has been changing in several different ways. Society throughout the years has thoroughly become more accepting of the LGBT+ community, but the community still struggles with being discriminated against and fitting into the norms of society. One of the most important topics that society is discussing and debating is the acceptance of the LGBT community, which stands for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, and Transgender. We’ve researched different religions views and opinions of the LGBT+ community, the accomplishments and challenges in the struggle for LGBT+ equality, protecting our children; overcoming the narrative that gays and lesbians are harmful to our children, Urban encounters, and sexual health among gay and bisexual immigrant men. From our knowledge, derogatory questions and remarks have been made towards lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and Transgenders. Some of the remarks or questions may have been, â€Å"You’re going to hell†. â€Å" Being gay is a disgrace to your family†. â€Å" So, are you a girl or a boy?† â€Å"How do you make babies with the same sex? And â€Å"Oh, it’s just a phase†. The point of view of the different religions that we’ve researched from are: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. In Christianity, the bible teaches that the followers of Jesus are created in the image of God. Meaning, God isn’t gay, bisexual, transgender, etc. Therefore, we shouldn’t be either. In a way, Christianity is against the LGBT+ community, but ironically enough it isn’t. TheShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught? Essay1360 Words   |  6 PagesHistorically, the LGBTQ community has endured discrimination, harassment and even violence at the hands of non-LGBTQ advocates who cast non-heterosexuals and non-cisgenders as wrong, deviant, and different. 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